The CSIC-UAM IBM Quantum Hub is a consortium that brings quantum computing resources academia and industry, facilitating access to IBM’s latest quantum processors and opening new research lines in fundamental and applied quantum computing.
The CSIC-UAM IBM Quantum Hub is a consortium that brings quantum computing resources academia and industry, facilitating access to IBM’s latest quantum processors and opening new research lines in fundamental and applied quantum computing.
The Quantum Hub was initiated by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and Universidad Aut noma de Madrid (UAM) through the CSICUAM Virtual Campus initiative. It is open for other academic and non-academic institutions to join, either through scientific collaborations, or as full members with access to IBM’s quantum computers.
The Quantum Hub was initiated by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and Universidad Aut noma de Madrid (UAM) through the CSICUAM Virtual Campus initiative. It is open for other academic and non-academic institutions to join, either through scientific collaborations, or as full members with access to IBM’s quantum computers.
CSIC’s groups are investigating the potential quantum advantages of quantum computers in hard combinatorial optimization problems, either through variational quantum algorithms or sophisticated quantum-inspired heuristics. These groups already have important results in the advantages of QAOA-algorithms or the application of optimization to index tracking, among other problems.
The term quantum machine learning embodies many paradigms of heuristic problem solving assisted by quantum computers. Among the topics presently explored by the Hub, we can remark the automatic learning of variational QML algorithms, using genetic algorithms to tune quantum circuits, quantum generative models and quantum reservoir computing, a promising avenue that teaches quantum dynamical systems to classify data and predict time series.
The groups at CSIC and UAM are also working on the low-level optimization and benchmarking of quantum computers. Starting from initial works on entanglement as a tool to qualify quantum computers, and progressing with more advanced algorithms for calibrating quantum measurements, we apply our deep understanding of quantum hardware to push the state-of-the-art in these platforms.
The Quantum Hub’s activities include outreach activities, training in quantum computation through specialized courses organized by UAM and CSIC, research into the foundations of quantum computation and the development of quantum algorithms for industry and science.
The Quantum Hub’s activities include outreach activities, training in quantum computation through specialized courses organized by UAM and CSIC, research into the foundations of quantum computation and the development of quantum algorithms for industry and science.
As part of our mission, the Hub is open for scientific and industrial partnerships, as well for collaboration in training and outreach activities. If you are interested on our work or starting any joint venture, please get in touch with our management to open conversation.